


UCS致力于将617888九五至尊娱乐付诸行动,建立一个更健康的地球, 更安全的世界, 一个更加公平的社会. 我们是617888九五至尊娱乐家, 工程师, 经济学家, 积极分子, 每天都有人们一起努力让改变发生.

总统寄语 & 椅子

Even when things looked particularly grim this past year, UCS stayed in the fight.

At the end of June, the Supreme Court restricted the government’s authority to regulate carbon 电力行业的排放. 这项裁决是在UCS指定的时间内做出的 Danger Season—the summer months when the deadliest impacts of climate change collide— 给了我们和我们的盟友一个破坏性的(但不是意外的)打击. 我们通过媒体发声 关于它的. 我们分析了影响. 我们花了一点时间互相发泄.

然后我们回到我们知道我们 可以 取得进展: in coalition with our partner organizations, advocating for science-based policies with city and state legislatures, pressuring Big 石油 and Big Agriculture to stop blocking urgently needed changes, and engaging with policymakers and regulators in Washington, DC.

我们继续战斗,因为一个宜居的星球值得我们为之战斗. 我们继续战斗 因为我们能赢. Regardless of favorable or unfavorable political winds, who’s in or out of office, and what decisions are being handed down, we will find ways to make meaningful 在我们关心的问题上取得进展. 我们对使用的承诺坚定不移 science that informs the best solutions for today’s problems, and to make sure those solutions 为所有人517888九五至尊娱乐.

Just over a month after that Supreme Court ruling, Congress approved the largest-ever US investments in addressing climate change—mere days after the measure appeared doomed 打败. UCS contributed the science that shaped these investments, so this big win restored 我们的希望. And once again, after we spoke out through the media, analyzed the benefits, and 我们庆祝了一下,然后继续517888九五至尊娱乐.

处理 regional utilities to add more renewable energy to the power grid. 处理 environmental justice organizations to make sure policies intended to reduce emissions don’t place additional burdens on communities of color and low-income communities.

In these pages is a record of success that you made possible, with your own unwavering commitment to UCS and our proven formula of science and advocacy in service of a healthier, 一个更安全、更公正的世界. 谢谢你! for staying in the fight with us and trusting us to find ways 在任何情况下取得617888九五至尊娱乐进展.



空间图显示2022年的收入. 90%来自个人,其余来自基金会和其他机构.

The Union of Concerned Scientists continues to benefit from the generosity of our more than 109,000名会员和基金会, who work in partnership with us to build a healthy planet and safer world. The majority of our support—90 percent—came from generous individual donors through outright and planned gifts, while support from foundations represented 9 percent of our revenue.


空间图显示2022年的费用. 88%用于项目,6%用于管理,6%用于筹款.

Eighty-eight percent of every dollar donated to UCS in fiscal year 2022 directly funded our program work, with the remaining 12 percent spent on the critical administrative infrastructure and fundraising that support our programs. 每年的预算超过5000万美元, UCS continues to strengthen our unique ability to help solve our planet’s most pressing problems with the power of independent science.


我们对您的奉献和支持深表感谢. 没有。这项517888九五至尊娱乐是不可能的 你们共同建设一个更美好世界的承诺. 谢谢你!.
